Joint ventures formation

Joint ventures formation

Commercial joint ventures are one of the most common forms of doing business in Poland. Corporate law should be understood as a type of business activity carried out by natural persons or legal persons based on the Company’s Articles of Association or statute, the purpose of which is largely to achieve the assumed economic and financial objectives.

The main division of types of companies is closely related to their legal foundation. The division comprises a civil law partnership, established and operating in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code, and commercial companies, established and operating in compliance with the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies. Commercial companies comprise partnerships (a general partnership, a partnership, a limited partnership, a limited joint-stock partnership)and capital companies, which include a limited liability company and a joint stock company.

Each company is defined by a different organization and responsibility of its members.

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Our range of services

Our law firm provides comprehensive services in the field of company formation, which start at the stage of negotiating the selection of the best type of company for the nature of the business.

We offer legal assistance in the field of completing documents, preparing draft contracts or statutes, conducting the entire process of company registration and, if necessary, we will carry out the entire procedure leading to the transformation of an existing company into a new one.

At the client’s request, our law firm may also keep the accounts of the newly established entity.