Legal analyzes

Legal analyzes

Legal analyzes are help related to practical legal problems concerning an individual case or a specific case. They may relate to many areas of law or focus on one specific case. Our legal analyzes are conducted by qualified lawyers and based on legal regulations, case law as well as doctrines and theories of laws, which will certainly help in making the right business decision. They will provide pertinent support in business talks with public administration bodies or in legal proceedings.

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Our services

Our law firm prepares legal analyses aiming at clarifying legal problems, proposing solutions (including variants) consisting, among others, in:

  • indicating appropriate legal procedures allowing for achieving the assumed objective, in particular: registering a company, transferring shares in a company, providing services in the scope of registration allowances, drawing up transfer price documentation, conducting negotiations with tax authorities, etc.

  • presenting the qualification of a specific factual situation in the light of laws, jurisprudence, legal publications

  • presenting legal analysis of a document, such as a decision, contract, statement, etc.

  • interpretation of regulations, being the basis for settlement of a particular case